Sunday, August 7, 2011

Interwoven landscape_THESIS

My thesis supervisors Alessio Erioli, and co-supervisors Mirko Daneluzzo, Enrico Fontanari and Alberto Bertagna.

Thank you Rachel Armstrong and Davide De Lucrezia for the informations about the protocells.

/ Team work

The thesis was presented during the International Conference on Green Buildings and Sustainable Cities (GBSC 2011) will be held in Bologna , Italy, on Sep 15-16, 2011.

The publication is here.

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Human specie has always engineered the environment to set the conditions for its own settlement, producing in its evolutionary development superorganisms (cities) and the necessary networks of connections among them. Instead of rejecting cars as an extraneous object to a picturesque nature, this project starts from a perspective in which cities and technology are the metabolic extension of human specie and therefore a necessary part of its own nature; the vessels (vehicles) for human transportation, or better, the vehicle-host symbiotic system thus becomes a necessary part of
human ecology, and so the network of connections upon which they live, operate and interact with: infrastructures.
The project of an environmental enhancer for the Nogara mare highway in Veneto (Italy) provides the unique chance to bring together ecological thinking, host interaction and active materials. Its location (an open country planar area among cultivated fields) enucleates as critical variables the impact of pollutants and the phenomenon of dazzling.
With respect to such criticalities, the project uses digital generative and parametric strategies to generate a performative structure in which densification and rarefaction of elements is a local morphological response to dazzle.
The structure itself acts as a scaffold for a photo catalytic PET based material that, mimicking the behavior of coccoluti (marine microorganisms) is able to reduce CO2 (and potentially other pollutants) to salts and nitrates that are then naturally deployed to the neighboring cultivated fields as fertilizers. The material has been tested for photo catalytic integration and is currently under development. Present building and production techniques privilege the industrial assembly of inert materials, with a one-way flow of energy and process from raw material to finished product. Instead of this mono-directional energy consumption the project promotes the continuous exchange of information (as code and matter-energy) at all levels and from the digital to the material domains: use of dazzle information, morphogenetic rules and structural behavior to generate the scaffold, a photo catalytic material that responds to pollutants and produces fertilizers, making the structure symbiotic with their hosts and the environment.

/ Strategies

/ The human system

/ First step

/ Stress analysis with GSA

/ Steps explained here

/ Test

/ Glare 

/ Sun glare analysis

/ Second step

/ Morfogenesis steps explained here

/ Test

/ Chemistry research

This research won the first prize at the contest Bellacoopia Modena

/ Project final

/ Structural detail

/ Models
 / technology simulation
   The model simulates the effect of the growth and plasticity of the coating in biological-PET.

   Wire diameter 4 and 2 mm / primary structure
   Wire diameter 0.3mm / connections system and stiffening of the structure
   Black Vinavil glue / coating biological plastic

/ Models
 / dimensional simulation (detail scale 1:1)
   The model was fabricated with a 3D Printer developed by the Italian Engineer Enrico Dini


  / Jesse Reiser, Atlas of Novel Tectonics, Princeton Architectural Press; 1 edition (February 1, 2006)
  / Manuel De Landa, Mille anni di storia nonlineare. Rocce, germi e parole, S. Ferraresi
  / Thomson D'Arcy W., Crescita e forma, Bollati Boringhieri  (collana Universale Bollati Boringhieri-S. scient.) (1992)
  / Derrick de Kerckhove, L'architettura dell'intelligenza, Testo & Immagine (collana la rivoluzione informatica)
  / Capra Fritjof, La rete della vita, BUR Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli  (collana Superbur scienza) (2001)
  / Lars Spuybroek,  The Architecture of Variation, Thames & Hudson (29 Jun 2009)
  / Lars Spuybroek, The Architecture of Continuity: Essays and Conversations, NAI Publishers (Sep 2008)
  / Michael Hensel, Tecnologie emergenti e Design, Achim Menges, Michael Weinstock, Routledge, 1 edizione (29 Gen 2010)
  / Benjamin Aranda e Christopher Lasch, Tooling, Princeton Architectural Press (1 Feb 2006)
  / Ruairi Glynn, Sara Shafiei, Glynn Ruairi, Digital Architecture: passaggi attraverso Hinterlands, (Set 2009)

/ Paper

  / Manuel DeLanda, Deleuze and the Use of the Genetic Algorithm in Art
presented at the Art & Technology Lectures, Columbia University, New York, 08.04.04
  / Manuel DeLanda, Material elegance.
  / Manuel DeLanda, Building with Bone and Muscle
in Domus, No 884, September 2005, pp. 208-09
  / Manuel DeLanda, One Dimension Lower
in Domus, No 886, November 2005, pp. 136-37
  / Manuel DeLanda, The Importance of Imperfections
in Domus, No 888, January 2006, pp. 136-37
  / Manuel DeLanda, Events Producing Events
in Domus, No 889, February 2006, pp. 100-01
  / Manuel DeLanda, Evolvable Materials
in Domus, No 890, March 2006, pp. 164-65
  / Manuel DeLanda, Extensive and Intensive
in Domus, No 892, May 2006, pp. 152-53
  / Manuel DeLanda, Material Expressivity
in Domus, No 893, June 2006, pp. 122-23
  / Manuel DeLanda, Smart Materials
in Domus, No 894, July 2006, pp. 122-23
  / Manuel DeLanda, Crucial Eccentricities
in Domus, No 895, September 2006, pp. 262-63
  / Manuel DeLanda, Matter Singing in Unison
in Domus, No 896, October 2006, pp. 286-87
  / Manuel DeLanda, High Intensity Environments
in Domus, No 897, November 2006, pp. 148-49
  / Manuel DeLanda, The Foam and the Sponge
in Domus, No 899, January 2007, pp. 140-41
  / Manuel DeLanda, Opportunities and Risks
in Domus, No 901, March 2007, pp. 192-93
  / Manuel DeLanda, The Machinic Phylum
in Joke Brower & Carla Hoekendikj (eds), Technomorphica, Rotterdam: V2_Publishing, 1998
  / Manuel DeLanda, Deleuze and the Genesis of Form
presented at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, 1997
published in Art Orbit, No 1, Stockholm: Art Node, March 1998
  / Manuel DeLanda, Space: Extensive and Intensive, Actual and Virtual
in Ian Buchanan and Gregg Lambert (eds), Deleuze and Space, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005, pp. 80-88, ISBN: 978-0-7486-1892-7 (hbk)

  / Greg Lynn, Animate forme.
  / Patrik Schumacher, Arguing of elegance.
  / Neil Leach, Digital Morphogenesis.
  / Filippo Innocenti, La forma del tempo nell’architettura dell’informazione.
  / Chris Abel, Virtual evolution, a memetic critique of genetic algorithms in design.
  / Sanford Kwinter, Un discorso sul metodo.
  / Michael Hensel, Material and digital design synthesis

Bibliography chemistry

  / Andrew N. Cammidge, An Undergraduate Experiment in Polyester (PET) Synthesis, School of Chemical Sciences, University of East Anglia
  / T. Kanazawa, A. Ohmori, Behavior of TiO2 coating formation on PET plate by plasma spraying and evaluation of coating’s photocatalytic activity, Osaka University, publication 10.11.04
  / Daniela Carta 1, Giacomo Cao Claudio D'Angeli, Chemical Recycling of Poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) by Hydrolysis and Glycolysis
  / Chin-San Wu, In Situ Polymerization of Titanium Isopropoxide in Polycaprolactone: Properties and Characterization of the Hybrid Nanocomposites, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kao Yuan Institute of Technology, Kaohsiung County, publication 20.10.03
  / A. Ranga Rao, V. Dutta, Low-temperature synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles and preparation of TiO2 thin films by spray deposition, Photovoltaic Laboratory, Centre for Energy Studies, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, publication 20.04.07
  / Barbara Merlo, Nanotecnologie fotochimiche, Plastix Novembre 2006
  / S. Mahshid, M. Sasani Ghamsari, M. Askari1, N. Afshar, S. Lahuti, Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles by hydrolysis and peptization of titanium isopropoxide solution, publication 29.03.06
  / Xiaobo Chen and Samuel S. Mao, Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials: Synthesis, Properties, Modifications, and Applications, publication 27.03.06
  / Italcementi, TX Active®Principio attivo fotocatalitico.
  / Masakazu Anpo, Utilization of TiO2 photocatalysts in green chemistry, Department of Applied Chemistry, Osaka Prefecture University, Sakai, Pure Appl. Chem., Vol. 72, No. 7, pp. 1265–1270, 2000.
  / A. Ridgwell, I. Zondervan, J. C. Hargreaves, J. Bijma, and T. M. Lenton, Assessing the potential long-term increase of oceanic fossil fuel CO2 uptake due to CO2-calcification feedback, publication 6.07.07
  / Merlin Bruening and David Dotzauer, Just spray it, nature materials, Vol 8, June 2009
  / Martin M. Hanczyc, Taro Toyota, Takashi Ikegami, Norman Packard and Tadashi Sugawara, Fatty acid chemistry at the Oil-Water interface: self-propelled oil droplets, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2007, 129 (30), pp 9386–9391
  / Taro Toyota, Naoto Maru, Martin M. Hanczyc, Takashi Ikegami, and Tadashi Sugawara, Self-Propelled Oil Droplets Consuming “Fuel” Surfactant, J. Am. Chem. Soc., Article ASAP • DOI: 10.1021/ja806689p • Publication Date (Web): 24 March 2009

/ Link